Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals) Read online

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“Reid huh? Sexy.” She stated as she licked a drop of syrup from her thumb.

  “But the thing is when we were saying our good-byes I turned after unlocking the door and um…well, he was gone.”

  “Gone? Just like that?’ she said with a snap of her fingers. ‘What is he a vampire?” Trish said in a joking tone. I was so over the vampire fade but she wasn’t. I should have advised Charlie to dress up like Dracula and I bet she would have been on him like white on rice – but Italian food would surely do the trick as well.

  “Oh be quiet.’ I said in a huff. ‘This isn’t a movie. I really want…need to find him. Even if there isn’t anything romantic wise, I need to thank him. I haven’t thought about Adam since then. I just don’t know anything about him other than his name.” I explained. I really didn’t know if there were any feelings between myself and Reid other than the fact he was good looking but there were more to relationships then looks. Adam taught me that for sure.

  “So even if you just want to find this mystery guy to “thank him” how are you gonna do it, if you don’t know anything about him other than his name?” I couldn’t help but to look at Trish with a thanks-for-stating-the-obvious stare.

  “I don’t know but I was wondering if my bestie would like to assist me?” I asked with a sweet grin on my face. Trish’s smile faded at the thought of helping me with such a daunting task. “It won’t be anything, please. I need to find him Trish, please.” After a few more moments of begging Trish finally caved, saying that she would help. I smiled and hugged her up tightly as I could, hard enough to take the air out of her lungs. We figured the best thing to do was to start a search for Reid Hollingsworth on every social network that we could think of – Facebook, Twitter – even checked the long dead Myspace - and although we came up with guys of the same name, none of them were the right guy. Trish thought about just doing a general search on the internet for him but when she did, she pulled of a site for European mysteries. The mystery was pertaining to an Irish family, with a son named Reid Hollings, who suddenly disappeared during the Dark Ages. The tale was old and highly interesting, but nothing to do with the person I was searching for. I clicked off the page, getting frustrated only to have Trish pop up with frustration.

  “Hey I wanted to see the picture! Who knows maybe it was your lover boy.” She laughed, but her humor was stalled by go-to-hell look I was giving her.

  “You know that wasn’t him.” I demanded and after a couple hours of searching I was getting more frustrated than before, closing the laptop while letting out a sigh. Knowing I was upset Trish strolled over to me, plopped herself on my lap and gave me a squeeze.

  “You’re really gonna give up already?” Trish asked.

  “No, I’m just getting irritated so I’m gonna take a break and go see Charlie.” My words must have struck a chord because suddenly she was up, looking like a cat that had just been dunked in ice cold water.


  “Yeah’ I said as I stood from the chair, pushing myself up with help from the kitchen table. ‘I want coffee and he kinda owes me one.” I told Trish with a wink. Trish didn’t understand what I was talking about, but advised that she wasn’t going anywhere near the coffee shop because she didn’t have to be in until four so she didn’t want to see it or Charlie.

  “Oh what the hell does that man owe you for?”

  “You’ll find out sooner or later I’m sure.” I explained as I grabbed my phone and the keys from the kitchen table, smiling as I walked out the door and leaving Trish with an unanswered question, which I knew would drive her crazy. I enjoyed torturing my best friend because she always did the same thing to me, only I was better at it.

  When I reached the coffee shop I walked straight to the counter and ordered my usual, large and hot mocha, then looked around for Charlie, but not seeing him. Once I was given my cup I asked if Charlie was there, but the young lad behind the counter informed me that he wasn’t at the moment, but should be in shortly. Pushing the potential romance of my friend out of my head I ventured over to my favorite table and took a seat, feeling the warm sun hitting my back through the window put a temporary smile on my face. For the first time since I had woken up I had a moment to rest my mind and clean the sleep out of my eyes. I must have looked dreadful but I didn’t care. I was tired and my mood was starting to turn foul. Trying not to let it affect me like it was, I took a deep breath – relaxing myself.

  When I finally opened my eyes again I watched the front door open and Reid walk through while chatting with Charlie. I was stunned that the person I had searched for all morning had just walked in. ‘Damn´ I thought to myself. I felt my face light up, feeling my cheeks blush as I saw Reid turn from the register to look over the place and I noticed he couldn’t help but to smile to himself when he spotted me. The girl behind the counter handed Reid his coffee then he slyly walked over to the table and asked if he could join me. I said that I didn’t mind and cleared the table of my keys and cell phone to allow him to set his coffee on the small table.

  “So where did you run off to last night? You help a girl out then you just leave?” I finally said, breaking the tension that was between us. Reid couldn’t help but to laugh. I didn’t know why he was laugh but he did and that made a surge of awkwardness rush through my body.

  “Yeah sorry, I shouldn’t have left so quickly last night.” Reid stated but I couldn’t help, but to think of something bad right off the bat.

  “So who are you, some murderer who has escaped from prison?” I laughed with a laugh yet a serious undertone that Reid could sense. I played with the plastic coffee cup while I waited for his answer.

  “No, I didn’t escape.” He said trying to make light of the situation. I knew he was joking but there was something that led me to wonder, to believe, that he was serious. We sat in silence for a moment, awkwardly until he stood up and held out his hand. “Do you wanna take a walk?” He asked me with a smile.

  Not knowing this person for more than a day and someone who seemed to have a twisted sense of humor should have been a red flag to me but it wasn’t and I took his hand so that he could help me down from the stool and we started walking down Sumner Street together. The trees were full, the flowers were in bloom and the sun wasn’t beating down as hard as it could; it was a gorgeous day for a walk. Nothing was said until we had reached the duck pond where we stop, setting on the grassy knoll. I looked out over the water and took in the sights that were before me, I could sit in that spot for hours even without a handsome guy sitting next to me.

  “I’m glad you showed your face again. I wanted to say thank you.’ I said breaking the silence. Reid got a puzzled look on his face for a moment. ‘When you told me that I needed to get over Adam, that innocent kiss helped me a lot. I haven’t dwelled on it all since then. For the first time I’ve thought I could actually move and be happy with someone else.”

  “You’re welcome. I didn’t know if I had stepped over the line or not…” He said only to be interrupted by me blurting out words like I always do.

  “No you didn’t, I mean eh, sorry I…I just really wanted to say thank you.” I said, blushing at my words. I wasn’t acting foolishly because I liked him, don’t get me wrong he was a great looking guy but I was just extremely thankful for his doings in ‘curing my illness’ so to speak. Reid only smiled then slowly moved into my body, kissing me again. I wouldn’t say it out loud but I had wanted to kiss him again since the night before. I didn’t know how I felt about him but when I saw him, I knew, I wanted him to kiss me. Perhaps it was just my desire to move on finally and Reid was the first guy who had show interest in me, but no matter what I was diving in head first. I could feel my whole body become warm and the smile on Reid’s face confirmed that I was glowing like I thought I was.

  “You’re cute when you blush.’ He told me, surely making my face brighter than it already was. ‘I’m really sorry I took off last night. I must have let my bashful side get the better of me. I’ve never met anyon
e like you before. There is something different about you.”

  “I don’t know what that would be but thank you. I’m pretty damn average - boring even. Yeah you could go as far as boring if you wanted.” I laughed. He his laughed as well, looking down and then back up, sucking on his bottom lip then smiled.

  “I seriously doubt that. You’re not like all the other swallow girls I’ve met and I’ve met them, trust me.” He smiled, looking to the grass below them. I laughed at myself telling him that I wasn’t sure if I ever see him again so I went as far as searching for him on the internet.

  “Really? Did you find anything interesting there?” he asked me.

  “I didn’t find you at all! You don’t have an account anywhere. The only thing that got pulled up was about this family in Dark Age Ireland with a son named Reid, but it was about a family named Hollings not Hollingsworth.” I laughed at myself and my silly attempts to find this man when all I had to do was get a cup of mocha.

  “Yeah I’m not that old.’ He said with smile. That smile really was killer, stopping my thoughts completely. ‘So would you like to go to a movie and get a bite to eat tonight?” he finally asked. I had to regain the ability to speak just to answer him.

  “Yeah, yes. I would love to. Sorry, you can’t smile anymore because I lose my train of thought.” I explained only to make myself sound stupid. Reid only laughed which made me feel a bit more at ease. I hadn’t ever been so stupidly silly about a guy before, not even Adam who was considered one of the top notch guys at our school. I agreed to a date that night, since staying in on a Saturday night seemed to be almost illegal in our town. After the agreement and an exchanging of phone numbers I explained that I should probably get my brother’s car back to him before he had a heart attack so we stood up and together we walked back to the cafe. Once at the car Reid opened by door for me and closed it, telling me that he would pick me up at my house that night at seven. Normally I wasn’t the kind of girl who liked to be doted on but something about Reid made me want to allow him to do anything for me. He was a true gentleman and that was something new for me. Most guys that I knew, the idea of being a gentleman was allowing their date to pay for half the dinner, which normally I didn’t mind because I had always been an independent person but I have to admit that being swept off my feet was an amazing feeling. I drove home with a huge grin on my face and once I had killed the engine I pulled out my cell and sent Trish a text message.

  ‘OMG I found him and he asked me out for tonight!’ I sent her. She never took long to reply but if there was more than she could type or she was so excited she felt as she if she couldn’t contain her words, she would call me so when my phone began to ring it didn’t surprise me.

  “He what?” Trish asked with cheer in her voice. She was ecstatic for me and that was one of the best qualities about her; she never felt bad if she didn’t have something that someone else had.

  “He asked me out to a movie tonight.” I stated again. I was trying to contain myself and not scream in her ear, causing uncontrollable bleeding from her ear and it was hard because I had so much excitement built up inside of me at the moment.

  “I’m so happy. Now you stop complaining about everything and live life again.” Trish announced, not meaning to be mean about anything but I understood where she was coming from. I was tired of being the way that I was to. I sure as hell hadn’t been fulfilling my best friend duties, although I tried, she just didn’t know.

  “Slow your roll girly, it’s just a date not a marriage proposal.’ I laughed. Suddenly I heard my phone beep. Pulling my phone away from my ear again only to read a text from my brother. ‘Ah damn. I’ve gotta go, Sean is begging for his car back already. I’ll call ya later.” I said before I hung up. Once inside I tossed Sean his keys, not caring what he was yelling at me and hopped up the stairs to my room where I covered my face with a pillow. The rest of the day seemed to drag by and I knew I started earlier than I should have but I was far too excited not to get ready at four thirty. A shower, with a good chunk of my time picking out the perfect outfit, then make up, followed by hair. I’m not an over-the-top kind of girl when it comes to dolling myself up but for this date I wanted to look special without trying to hard. I picked a simple look; jeans and plain tee with a semi plunging neck line just in case he wanted something to look at. My make up was simple as well but then I started to worry about where we were going since he had mentioned food, what if I wasn’t dressed properly? I finally broke down and called Trish as I was the in beginning stages of small panic attack but luckily I had a best friend, who knew how to calm me down in a timely manner, after assuring me that whatever I wore I would be perfect. Once I was breathing normally again I finished up only changing to a top that was bit more feminine just in case.

  The next thing I knew it was six fifty five and soon after my phone rang. I picked it up after I took a deep breath, thrilled to hear Reid’s voice. He apologized for being early but after assuring him that I was ready (and had been for a while) I rushed down the stairs and out the door where I practically ran into him while he was walking to the front door. The walk between the front door and street was a good distance and we met half way.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Sorry, I’m a little old school. I retrieve my date at their front doors.” He laughed.

  “Oh well, you made it half way there.” I said with a smile, a bashful one at that.

  “That works. You ready to go? I thought we would get food first then head to the movie.” He said as he took my hand within his and started to walk to his car.

  “Yeah, I’m dying. I…I’m dressed okay right?” I asked nervously. He laughed at my words but stated that I looked perfect. I never thought of myself as looking that way, I was just a simple girl with simple taste. He wasn’t dressed up to much himself – nice jeans and button up shirt but he rocked it. There was something about any man who wore a dress button up with jeans, relaxed and comfortable – confident. I thought it was sexy.

  We ate at the most expensive restaurant in town, how he could afford it I’ll never know because he told me not to ask questions and just enjoy our night together. Warm rolls, endless salad and the best chicken Alfredo I’ve ever had. I was about to explode when he finally paid the check and we slowly but surely strolled out of the building. We picked a thriller to watch, something that wouldn’t terrify me but would allow me to be squeamish so that he would fold me into his arms. Although we didn’t start the movie touching we ended it with his strong arm around me, curled into his body. I hadn’t been held by a guy since Adam and now that I was a feeling it again I realized that I had missed it. As soon as the movie was over he asked if I wanted to go home or back to his place and naturally I chose the latter of the two, not wanting my night to end.

  We drove to his house, a large rich looking two story building that was just outside the edge of town surrounded by thick woods with the moon shining down on us. Stopping in the driveway just in front of the door Reid was out of the car and opening up the passenger door without me even blinking. I thanked him and as he closed my door he placed his hand on the small of my back and we walked into the house together. Once we were inside I couldn’t help but be stalled in my footsteps. The place was exquisite. Dark woods, soft lighting made the room intoxicatingly romantic but was still bruiting looking like something a single man would own.

  “Your place is gorgeous.” I said still in awe on my surroundings. Reid smiled as he placed his keys and cell phone down on the table that was next to the front door. He then made his way to the small bar that was just off the living room, walked past me as almost with a whisper tone to his voice.

  “Thank you, do you want something to drink?” he asked. I turned in a circle just to follow him but smiled once I had caught sight of him.

  “I’m good, thank you.” I advised as he poured himself a drink, whiskey by the smell of it. I sat down on the couch and once he had sealed up the clear bottle he ventured over
towards me.

  “Did you have a good time?” Reid asked me as he sat next to me on the plush couch. I wet my lips and smiled.

  “I had a great time, thank you. You’re an amazing guy so I can’t help but to wonder what’s wrong with you.” I told him, only being honest. He was far too perfect so I wanted to find out the flaw now and move past it, if I could.

  “What if I don’t have one? What if I’m really this nice?” He asked as he took a sip of his drink.

  “You could be. We were both to busy stuffing our faces and watching a movie to be able to talk. I don’t know much about you.” I said, telling the truth. I was suddenly hit with the realization that I was sitting in a house with a man I barely knew and no one else knew that I was here. I really hoped he was crazed serial killer. I didn’t have time for that at the moment.

  “Ask me whatever you want.” He said declaring himself an open book.

  “Okay well that dinner was ridiculously expensive. You’ve gotta have a great job so where do you work at?” I asked.

  “I don’t.’ His words drew me back, that was his flaw. I had fallen head over heels for a thief without a doubt. ‘I invested my inheritance money that my father left me well. He was a man who knew his stocks and bonds.” He explained and I felt myself let out a sigh of relief silently to myself but I still couldn’t help but to wonder if there wasn’t a dark secret about him but I didn’t want to think about that. All I wanted was to continue to have a great time with someone I couldn’t take my eyes off of.

  “So what happened to you father?” I asked.

  “He died along with my mother in a car accident.” Reid explained. I placed my hand on this forearm, rubbing it gently to show sympathy towards Reid and his story. I said that I was sorry but he shrugged his shoulders, telling me that he was moving past his demons about such a situation.

  “It’s in the past but thank you.” We sat there and talked, drowning in each other’s words and worlds. Suddenly without any warning we heard someone moving swiftly throughout the house. I jumped at the thought of someone else being in the house with us and became alarmed when Reid looked spooked as well. “What was that?” I asked as I stood up next to him. Wetting his lips his lips and looked at me unable to answer my question but once he saw a young man, still older than Reid himself, standing in the middle of his living room he seemed to understand. Quickly he grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him.